The right direction in the life fog
(March 29, 2022, go to my art gallery)
Fratelli d'Italia
Siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiamò!
(March 28, 2022, go to my art gallery)
È la presunzione d'aver ragione che genera le guerre e tutto distrugge
(March 27, 2022, go to my art gallery)
Я жду, когда кто-нибудь принесет мне еду
(March 27, 2022, go to my art gallery)
The be(a)st of TV
(March 26, 2022, go to my art gallery)
Все мы, люди, имеем этот свет внутри себя. Лучше быть друзьями, чем врагами.
All of us human beings have this light within us. It is better to be friends than enemies.
(March 24, 2022, go to my art gallery)
Our divine qualities
Like a river finds its way...
our divine qualities always find their way,
if we want them to and if our soul lives in a community of souls.
(March 23, 2022, go to my art gallery)
What really matters
Let us love life.
Let us love ourselves and what we do.
Let us spread peace and love.
We don't need anything else to be fully worthy of our existence.
(March 23, 2022, go to my art gallery)
Who are we? Why do we wage war?
Life comprises pairs of opposites that always coexist.
The possible arrival points for each pair of opposites are two: either a true fusion in an indissoluble marriage (transition from duality to integration) or the destruction of both parts (transition from duality to nothingness). Neither side can exist without the other.
For this reason, the path of war is always the path of one's own destruction.
The atrocities of humanity will end when we understand who we are.
(March 20, 2022, go to my art gallery)
Elephant's protection
(March 18, 2022, go to my art gallery)