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Pfizer-BioNTech admits the ineffectiveness and insecurity of its vaccine Comirnaty

Two sentences in comparison:

Evidence from the hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines already administered in the United States, and the billions of vaccines administered globally, demonstrates that they are safe and effective.

CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, April 1, 2022, - wayback machine copy for future reference


We may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of our COVID-19 vaccine and/or variant-specific formulations to obtain permanent regulatory approval in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, or other countries where it has been authorized for emergency use or granted conditional marketing approval.
Significant adverse events may occur during our clinical trials or even after receiving regulatory approval, which could delay or terminate clinical trials, delay or prevent regulatory approval or market acceptance of any of our product candidates.

BionNTech, annual report to US Securities and Exchange Commission, March 30, 2022, - wayback machine copy for future reference

That's life, baby!
(April 29, 2022)
Covid 19 - Pfizer-BioNTech admits the ineffectiveness and insecurity of its vaccine Comirnaty
